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Sophie Rouliot
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----------------------------------- 2024 ------------------------------------


* Exhibition at a Charity Gala, in Lycée Jules Verne, Johannesburg (South Africa). May 21

* Exhibition at Gaya Gallery, Johannesburg (South Africa). May 15 to 19.

----------------------------------- 2023 ------------------------------------


* Exhibition SNAA (Salon National des Artistes Animaliers), Bry-sur-Marne. November 18 to December 17.

----------------------------------- 2022 ------------------------------------

* Exhibition ANIMAL ART PARIS, Hippodrome d'Auteuil, Paris. November 16 to 20.


* Exhibition SNAA (Salon National des Artistes Animaliers), Bry-sur-Marne. November 13 to December 11.


* Exhibition ADN (Salon d'Art Contemporain Dédié à la Nature), Palais Bondy, Lyon. Sept 29 to October 2.

----------------------------------- 2021 ------------------------------------


* Exhibition SNAA (Salon National des Artistes Animaliers), Bry-sur-Marne. November 14 to December 13.

* Personal exhibition "DESSOUS LE FIL", Le Lavoir de Jasseron, Belleville sur Saône. July 1st to 9.

----------------------------------- 2020 ------------------------------------


* Commission of a Helmet Art (n°5) for the architecture agency ALCMEA, Paris.

* Exhibition ANIMAL ART PARIS, Hippodrome d’Auteuil, Paris. November 18 to 22 (canceled due to COVID)


* Exhibition ART IN MIND, Brick Lane Gallery, London. August 5 to 16 (canceled due to COVID)


----------------------------------- 2019 ------------------------------------


* Personal exhibition, Mexico City (Mexico). November 1 to 10, 2019.


* Participation in the Wildlife Angel charity auction for the benefit of the association Wild Life Angel Africa, at the IESA Arts & Culture School, Paris. October 18 to 19, 2019.


* 2023 February _ Publication in the newspaper “Rayonnement Arts-Sciences-Lettres”, France.

* 2023 February _ Publication in the newspaper “Connaissances de la chasse”, France.

* 2022 June _ " Award of Excellence" for the 6th CFA Artist of the Month contest,

              for the sculpture Les Oies Bernaches, at Circle Foundation.


* 2022 February _  Publication in the online newspaper “Les Confettis”, France.


* 2021 June _ Award Winning Artist for the 11th Animals Art Exhibition,

             "SPECIAL MERIT" for the sculpture The Wild Wire Leopard, at LightSpaceTime Gallery.

* 2021 June _ Award Winning Artist for the 11th Animals Art Exhibition,

              "SPECIAL Recognition" for the sculpture The Woolf, at LightSpaceTime Gallery.

* 2020 October _  Publication in the newspaper “Rêvista”, Mexico.

Sophie Rouliot SOPHIE ROULIOT sophierouliot @sophierouliot SophieRouliot SOPHIEROULIOT sophierouliot

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